Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 4

A Prediction:

    In this chapter, there was a part where Lennie easily lost his temper when Crooks mentioned the possibility of Geroge never coming back. I think this could spell the downfall of Lennie, as someone might say the wrong thing at the wrong time and cause Lennie to flip out on them. This could also mean that Lennie would have screwed up yet another job opportunity and get them fired. I also think that the person that would say something like this would be Curly, since he seems to be the person who hates Lennie the most.

A Question:

    This entire chaper was based inside Crooks' room, a person that not very many people like or hang around with (Most likely due to his race). There was one thing I did not understand about this chapter though. This is:
Why did Crooks let them into his room in the first place?
He seems like such a secluded person, since it mentions that all he does during the day is sit in this room and read books. So this leads into my question, why would be let some random person like Lennie into his "room of solitude" 

A Connection:

The act of Crooks letting people into his room reminded me in a way of the first time I let people (other than my parents) into my room when I was a little kid. I remember being so protective of it, not really letting anyone touch my stuff (I wasn't very good at sharing since I didn't have any siblings). I feel like this relates to Crooks as he hesitated a bit before letting anyone into HIS room, similar to the way I was. 

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