Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 1

A Connection:

Pinky and the Brain vol1.jpgThe way the characters are described so far in chapter 1 remind me a lot of this late 90's TV cartoon. While they are not really trying to take over the world, the fact that the story describes one man being very large but dumb, and the other being very small but seemingly smart and bitter, it really relates to that TV show.

A Summary:

The first chapter of Of Mice and Men really introduces the novella (Like any first chapter of any book should do) by describing the characters and their main focus. It explains the setting and  why they are staying at a well known camp spot rather than being at their house or a hotel. These two men have been wondering around the city in search of work, and seem to have gotten into some trouble in the process. The one man, Lennie, is very slow and dumb, and also seems to have this connection to mice. He insists on picking up mice and stroking them just for fun (which usually ends up killing the creatures). The other man, George, is a lot smarter than Lennie but seems to have a more "sour" attitude. Both of these men are in a way forced to stay together, as Lennie can not survive without George, meaning George must take care of Lennie. 

A Prediction:

I believe that these two men will end up getting into trouble again, as it seems inevitable. The fact that Lennie keeps forgetting things George tells him leads me to believe that Lennie will one day forget to do something vital to their survival, and they will once again be on the run again or even get caught for the end of the story.

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